Staying Protected & Productive with Keeper Security’s Password Manager

04-06-2021 10:00 - 11:00

Over 80% of data breaches are caused by poor password management. No matter how much training IT department conducts, employees will inevitably cling to weak, reused, recycled and shared passwords and keep them in unprotected files.

The solution is using a dedicated password manager, a Zero Knowledge SaaS platform that generates strong passwords and stores them fully encrypted on all levels. SOC2 and ISO27001 certifications seal the industries highest standards of protection.

Join us together with Keeper to learn how to simplify password management and protect your data with Keeper multi award winning enterprise platform.


During the webinar we‘ll cover:

What are the most common password management challenges faced by business

What is Keeper and how it can help

Demonstration: Keeper Password Manager & Digital Vault

Questions and answers



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